Keeping our Local GA Community safe & up to date

This FREE Community Emergency Alerts is brought to you by Ware Co. CERT, &

Welcome to the Emergency Information Website for Waycross – Ware County & Blackshear Pierce County GA.
Don’t be in any doubt, get the latest right here, right now. We aim to get you the very latest emergency information on (wildfires, severe weather, emergency road closure, etc.) as they occur in our area, plus we are regularly posting other useful community preparedness information.


PLEASE NOTE This website is active, however, alerts may be outdated., it’s just that community alerts are not an every day, week, or monthly event, thankfully. If there’s something important for the community it will be here.
– KEEP SAFE & remember to please like us on Facebook, CLICK HERE.

Potential Emergency Alerts

Severe Thunderstorm Potential Thursday

Synopsis & Timing Strong Winds Ahead of Storms Thursday – Gusts up to 40 mph Strong to Severe Storms Possible Thursday Afternoon (after 2 pm) through Thursday Night Chance of Isolated Tornadoes Severe Thunderstorms Thursday & Thursday Night Timing: Thursday...

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Heavy rainfall event

Synopsis & Timing As we head into a busy travel weekend, we wanted to provide a head's up to a heavy rainfall event taking shape across Southeast Georgia & Northeast Florida as an area of low pressure crosses the region from the Gulf of Mexico late Saturday...

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Severe Thunderstorm Potential This Afternoon and Evening

Synopsis & TimingShowers and isolated thunderstorms will move across the region from out of the southwest in the afternoon. The broken squall line will move into the area this afternoon, with strong to potentially severe storms developing across the region. Severe...

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Severe Thunderstorm Potential Late Tonight

Passing showers and isolated thunderstorms will continue across the area through late afternoon, then a lull in rainfall is expected late this afternoon into this evening. The strongest batch of storms is expected to cross the area late tonight from the west,...

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