The Sweat Farm Again Fire
The rain helped last night and has eased the situation a little but the fire is still not contained.
So far we have only lost one unoccupied home and no one so far has been injured and no loss of life.
Winds today will be from SW 5-10 changing to the SE later tonight.
So far we have evacuated about 100 homes.
At this time the GA Forestry Dept is having to deal with 5 uncontrolled fires of which this is one, add this to the drought we’re having you can see our problems, we are over stretched.
At this time we’re looking to have lost 16,913 acres.
We have additional dozers and helicopters coming to us in the next few days.
We thank anyone out there wanting to donate items, but please don’t make food because we need to go through governed food prepared locations, because if the fire fighters go down with even a slight case of illness or even food poisoning it won’t help in the long run. So please deal with Tammy Brown at the High School Staging Center 912 614 7810.
Remember to drive with your lights on to help being seen and unless you have to go out, stay indoors.
11:45 hrs