Threat of severe storms this afternoon through Tonight

We are anticipating a threat of severe t-storms and tornadoes this afternoon and Tonight across interior southeast GA and possibly reaching the I-10 corridor later Tonight. Conditions appear to be favorable for scattered supercell storms to track across these areas...

Tropical Storm Micheal UPDATE

Overview Tropical Storm Watches now include all of southeast GA and a few counties in the Suwannee Valley Region of northwest FL Very high confidence in a storm track from the FL Panhandle across southwest GA to central GA Wed. through Wed. night. Potential for...

Hurricane Florence UPDATE

We just have to keep watching Predictions now say that upon land fall Florence may head west into central South Carolina so the outer bands will get closer to the Waycross Ware County area, although at this time we should be OK, just rain which we are all to familiar...

Hurricane Florence

It’s that time of the year again with September being the start of Hurricane season Should this effect us in Waycross Bottom line is we should keep an eye on this one, but fingers crossed all should be OK, but don’t quote us. What should we be doing For...

Potential for Severe Storms this afternoon

Synopsis & Timing Slight Risk for Severe Storms this afternoon/evening Scattered/numerous storms this afternoon/evening Strong to severe storms are expected. There is a slight risk for severe storms across SE GA and North of a line from St Augustine to Gainesville...

Waves of Heavy Rainfall This Week

Synopsis & Timing An area of low pressure is expected to drift northward and meander across the eastern Gulf of Mexico this week. National Hurricane Center monitoring for potential sub-tropical or tropical development. Regardless of tropical development, main...
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