A lightning stike on Thursday, April 28 set off the Honey Prairie Fire in the southwest portion of the refuge.
If you have questions or concerns which are not addressed on the maps or news releases feel free to call the Information Center at 912-496-2566. In addition, fire information lines are set up for residents of: Brantly County 912-462-7874; Ware County 912-287-4471.
Past experience has shown that the fire cannot be suppressed in the swamp. These fires can be successfully dealt with utilizing fire lines, mechanical equipment, strategic fireing techniques, and firebreaks in uplands surrounding the swamp.
Because of a prolonged drought, the water levels in the Okefenokee Swamp are lower now than they were prior to the fires in 2007 and the 1950s. Most of the canoe trails were closed prior to the fire due to low water levels.
Effective Saturday, July 23, the Suwannee Canal Recreation Area including Okefenokee Adventures boat tours, the Richard S. Bolt Visitor Center, Swamp Island Drive, the Chesser Island Homestead grounds, and all hiking trails except the Swamp Bordwalk and half of the Ridley’s Island Trail are reopened.
A two mile portion of the Suwannee Canal and a half mile of canoe trail into the Chesser Prairie will be open for self-guided day trips by canoe or kayak.
The refuge and Stephen C. Foster State park are closed to private motor boating due to low water levels.
Overnight canoe trips within the refuge are temporarily suspended due to fire damage and low water levels.
Starting June 9, all boating from Kingfisher Landing is suspended until the threat of fire is over.
The office, picnic area, museum, interpretive boat tours, canoeing and kayaking on Billy’s Lake are open at Stephen C. Foster State Park. The park’s trails, camping, and cabins remain closed.
Okefenokee Swamp Park is open every day from 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and features Eye on Nature Shows and Train Tours. Boat tours are currently unavaiable due to low water conditions. For updates, call 912-283-0583.
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